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White Fillings
Many people have fillings in their mouths. Filling materials have been developed to be both functional, and natural in appearance. People are becoming more conscious of their smile and many people don’t want silver fillings which are visible in the smile line.

White fillings can restore teeth to their natural appearance more aesthetically than silver amalgam. White fillings are also bonded in place and so are less destructive of the tooth structure than traditional silver fillings. They also offer the advantage of being mercury free.

White fillings are suitable for restoring both anterior and posterior teeth although some larger cavities in molar teeth may require inlays or onlays made in ceramic tooth coloured material.

Root Canal Treatment
Root canal treatment is required when the nerve supply of a tooth is infected by decay or injury to the tooth. When the nerve becomes infected the infection can spread through the root system of the tooth and in time this will lead to an abscess. Root canal treatment can be performed to try and save the tooth and prevent extraction.

During root canal treatment your dentist will remove all the infection from the root canal of your tooth. The root space is then thoroughly cleaned and disinfected and filled to prevent any further contamination. Most courses of root canal treatment are done over two appointments with local anaesthetic. It is advisable to crown most teeth which have been root filled to prevent fracture of the tooth in the long term. Root canal treatment is a routine procedure which we carry out frequently.  If any case is particularly difficult then we have a panel of local specialists we can refer patients to.

Tooth Whitening
Tooth whitening is the most effective way of improving the colour of teeth and is not harmful to natural tooth structure.  During the whitening process stains are removed from the tooth by chemical means. The final shade achieved by whitening will depend on the severity of discoloration.

We use two different whitening gels at the practice. One for one hour day time wear in a whitening tray and the other can potentially be used overnight. The whitening system which your dentist recommends will depend on the severity of discolouration of your teeth before treatment. Whitening does not change the shade of fillings or porcelain restorations such as crowns or veneers.

A crown is similar to a cap or covering for a badly damaged tooth. Crowns may be used to restore teeth with very large fillings or cracked teeth which are liable to fracture. Crowns may also be used to cover severely discoloured teeth.

Crowns can be made from a variety of materials such as ceramic and metal alloys, it is also possible to make crowns from a combination of metal and ceramic to maximise both strength and appearance. Many modern all ceramic crowns are now so life like that they are virtually indistinguishable from natural teeth.

Crowns have a long lifespan but it is important that they are kept clean by brushing and flossing. The most vulnerable part of the crown in the margin between the tooth and crown itself. This must be extremely clean to prevent decay at the margin.

A denture is a removable prosthesis to replace missing teeth. A denture is usually made of acrylic or a combination of acrylic and metal.

A partial denture will replace some missing teeth and a complete denture is indicated when all natural teeth are missing. A well made denture helps you to eat, speak, function and often improves a person’s appearance.

A bridge replaces a missing tooth or teeth and uses teeth either side of the space as supporting structures. Bridges are made by trimming down teeth on either side of the missing tooth, similar to the way in which crowns are prepared.

The crowns made are joined together by adding a tooth in between. The resulting restoration is called a bridge. Bridges are made in the laboratory using the same materials used for the manufacture of crowns.

Maintenance care for bridges is similar to that for crowns. It is important that the bridge is kept clean by regular brushing and flossing.

Invisalign available with Miss Eleanor Devlin: a consultation from £90

Invisalign is a discreet way to straighten teeth without the need for traditional metal braces. It uses a series of bespoke clear aligners worn for 22 hours per day to gradually align crowded, crooked or spaced teeth. Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible and allow you to achieve straight teeth with most treatment completed within 12 months. Invisalign is the most advanced clear aligner system in the world with over 14 million smiles perfected with the treatment.

Implants available with Mr James Gilmore: a consultation from £90

A dental implant is a titanium screw that’s placed directly into your jawbone, replacing your missing tooth root. After it’s fitted, the bone surrounding your implant will gradually fuse to it, holding the implant firmly in place.

A false tooth (a crown) which matches the colour and shape of your existing teeth is then fitted to the top of the implant, leaving you with a fixed solution and a natural looking smile.